At Woodland Valley we recognise that everything we do has an effect on the local regional and global environment. As a result we are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance ecosystem services and pollution prevention. In short:
‘Thinking of today with tomorrow in mind’

We do this by:
- Minimising consumption of resources and energy, for example, by using low energy light bulbs, solar thermal for heating water, using our own water supply (UV treated). Recycled furniture is used where appropriate, and the bunks are made from sustainable timber resources.
- Reducing waste by buying goods locally with a minimum of packaging, reusing shopping bags and cardboard boxes, and recycling as much material as possible.
- Minimising food miles by using our own meat products from the farm, by buying vegetables locally and in season and by buying Cornish cheeses for our guests (mainly from Trudgian Farm Shop, Probus).
- Ensuring that waste and effluent is disposed of in a responsible manner – food waste is composted, effluent processed through a septic tank and reed bed before going to soak away and rainwater taken to separate soak away.
- Farm organically using crop rotations which help reduce weeds and pests without using harmful chemicals and fertilisers, composting farmyard manure for maximum benefit to the soil and minimum risk to the environment. This helps to maximise biodiversity and maintain our varied habitats, which we would be delighted to show you.
- Continuous monitoring – including whole farm carbon auditing.
You can help us in simple ways by recycling your waste glass, cans and plastic bottles and food waste in the bins provided, switching off lights and taps when not in use, and reporting dripping taps. Laundry is a high-energy consumer, so please hang up your towels to dry every day. Please share transport where possible, and there is a pub and shop within walking distance.
Future Plans

We have built an outside composting toilet, installed solar thermal and solar PV panels as well as a wind turbine. The latter should make us entirely carbon neutral.